

In English langauge

  1. Unification of interactions in the theory of physical vacuum
  2. Geometrical and phenomenological torsions in relativistic physics
  3. New scientific paradigm
  4. Absolute parallelism geometry, Ricci and Cartan torsions
  5. Ricci torsion and NP formalism
  6. A4 geometry as a group manifold. Killing-Cartan metric
  7. A history of appearance of Cartan torsion in the differential geometry
  8. Theoretical and experimental research of inertial mass of a four-dimensional gyroscope
  9. Descartesian mechanics: the fourth generalization of Newton’s mechanics
  10. Dark energy in the theory of physical vacuum
  11. Local nature of inertial properties of mass in Descartesian mechanics
  12. Formalism of external forms, Einstein-Yang-Mills set of equations and gauge group approach in A4 geometry
  13. Philosophical aspect of trinary logic in mechanics. (The unification of the translational and rotational types of motion)
  14. Development of the basic ideas in the theory of physical vacuum
  15. Two Approaches in Unified Field Theory Comparison between Theory of Physical Vacuum & String Theory
  16. Meeting with Einstein.
  17. Experiment in detection of monopole charge radiation in vacuum electrodynamics. (Prediction)
  18. Experimental Detection of a Scalar Electromagnetic Field, SEMF
  19. Geometrization of the energy momentum tensor in a theory of Physical vacuum, an exotic matter and a warp drive
  20. Foundation of Mechanics of the Orientable Point
  21. Shipov’s Vacuum Equations and A New Scientific Paradigm
  22. Russian Scientific Academy Commission works against Russia and her people!
  23. Violation of the First Law of Newton’s Mechanics During Motion of a Free 3-D Gyroscope
  24. Forbidden Science
  25. Antigravity Probe M
  26. Mechanics of Living Systems (Biomechanics, Psychomechanics and Mechanics of Time) Applying the Principles of Descartes Mechanics
  27. Time: Matter, Energy, Field
  28. New scientific paradigm and breakthrough technologies
  29. How scientific progress reshapes our worldview
  30. Unusual phenomena caused by COVID-19 from the point of view of physics of life

Reviews on String Theory by: New York Times, The New Yorker

In Russian language

  1. Philosophy
  2. General relativistic electrodynamics with tensor potential (1972)
  3. The theory of gravitation with geometrized energy-momentum tensor
  4. Descartesian mechanics – fourth generalization of Newton’s mechanics
  5. Torsion field as a source of scalar (longitudal) electromagnetic fields in vacuum electrodynamics
  6. Experimental preconditions for a change of the scientific paradigm
  7. Universal relativity and quantum mechanics
  8. Torsion methods in metallurgy
  9. Consciousness and contemporary science
  10. Simple proof of relativistic non invariance of the classical electrodynamics equations
  11. Propulsion Systems in Russia and abroad
  12. Electro Torsion Generators in Russia and abroad
  13. The unification of Kramers-Kronig relations (80-th anniversary)
  14. Future of Physics – New Scientific Paradigm
  15. Theoretical research of Optic Acoustic Phenomena in Gases
  16. Two Approaches in Unified Field Theory. Comparison between Theory of Physical Vacuum & String Theory
  17. Psychophysical Phenomena and Descartesian Mechanics
  18. UFOs Move According with the Laws, Described in Descartesian Mechanics
  19. Connection Between Inertia and Quantum Theory in Descartesian Mechanics
  20. About Solution of Einstein’s First Problem
  21. Solution of Einstein’s Second Problem
  22. About the Evaluation of Research in Theoretical Physics
  23. Meeting with Einstein
  24. The cost of the fundamental research in theoretical physics
  25. Experiment in detection of monopole charge radiation in vacuum electrodynamics (Prediction)
  26. Anomalous Physics and Torsion Fields
  27. New Scientific Paradigm and Torsion Fields
  28. Experimental Detection of Scalar Electromagnetic Field, SEMF (Experiment)
  29. Quarter of a Century Fight for New Propulsion System
  30. About true reason to establish A Committee to fight with Pseudoscience
  31. Anomalous Physics
  32. Potential Billionaires of Russia
  33. 4 D Gyroscope in Descartesian Mechanics
  34. Drama of the Creators of Advanced Science and Technologies in the Modern World New
  35. Shipov’s Vacuum Equations and A New Scientific Paradigm
  36. Physical Vacuum, Torsion Fields, Quantum Mechanics and Tesla’s Experiments
  37. Russian Scientific Academy Commission works against Russia and her people!
  38. Measuring of Wave Function in Quantum Mechanics
  39. Torsion Nature of Quantum Mechanics
  40. Intellectual Tyranny of RAN’s Academicians and 3D Academician E.B.Alexandrov
  41. Non Dependency Mass on its Velocity and Relativistic Non Invariance of Electrodynamic Equations
  42. Textbooks on Classical Mechanics Should be Rewritten
  43. Warpdrive of Alqubierre and Tolchin, Gennady Shipov and Andrei Sidorov
  44. Space Propulsion (In the memory of Dr. Shipov’s only daughter 17.02.2011. Admin)
  45. Tesla Electrodynamics in the Theory of Physical Vacuum (The article is a Birthday gift for Marina Lobova. 12.03.2011)
  46. Quantum Mechanics as Dynamics of Field Gyroscopes
  47. Ailing science
  48. Space Warp by Brown’s Propulsion System
  49. Нарушение Первого Закона Mеханики Ньютона при Движении Свободного 3-D Гироскопа Violation of The First Law of Newton’s Mechanics During Motion of a Free 3-D Gyroscope
  50. Спин-Торсионная Формулировка Квантовой Механики и Поля Инерции. Spin-Torsion Formulation for Quantum Mechanics and Inertial Field
  51. Why is it necessary to rewrite the textbooks on classical electrodynamics
    Почему надо переписывать учебники по классической электродинамике
  52. Scalar radiation in vacuum electrodynamics. Theory and experiment
    Скалярное излучение в вакуумной электродинамике. Теория и эксперимент
  53. Spin-torsion fields and technologies. Part 1
    Спин-торсионные поля и технологии. Часть 1
  54. Spin-torsion fields and technologies. Part 2
    Спин-торсионные поля и технологии. Часть 2
  55. Who discovered the Equations of Physical Vacuum?
  56. Программа Всеобщей относительности и Теория Физического Вакуума. 25 лет спустя
    (Universal Relativity Theory Program and the Theory of Physical Vacuum. 25 years later)
  57. Будущее физики – Теория Физического Вакуума
    (The Future of Physics – the Theory of Physical Vacuum)
  58. О Спин – Торсионных Полях в Уравнениях Дирака-Такабаяши
    (On Spin-Torsion fields in the Dirac-Takabayashi equations)
  59. Уравнения движения спина и тосионные поля
    (Equations of Motion for Spin and Torsion Fields)
  60. О зависимости массы от угловой скорости в классической механике (Mass dependence on the angular velocity in classical mechanics)
  61. Торсионные поля в классической механике. Вращательная относительность (Torsion fields in classical mechanics. Rotational relativity)
  62. On mass dependence on the angular velocity in classical mechanics
    О зависимости массы от угловой скорости в классической механике
  63. Stagnation in theoretical physics and ways out of it. Mechanics.
    Застой в теоретической физике и пути выхода из него. Механика
  64. Prophets and artisans in theoretical physics
    Пророки и ремесленники в теоретической физике
  65. Stagnation in theoretical physics and ways out of it. Classical Electrodynamics
    Застой в теоретической физике и пути выхода из него. Классическая электродинамика
  66. Flying rods and mechanics of Descartes
    Летающие стержни и механика Декарта
  67. On diamagnetic levitation in strong magnetic fields
    О левитации диамагнетиков в сильных магнитных полях
  68. Stagnation in theoretical physics and ways out of it. Quantum Mechanics
    Застой в теоретической физике и пути выхода из него. Квантовая механика
  69. An answer to Arkadiush Yadchik’s comments on Chapter 5 of “Theory of physical vacuum” GI Shipov. Part 1
    Ответ Аркадиушу Ядчику на комментарии к Главе 5 «Теории физического вакуума» Г.И. Шипова. Часть 1
  70. Stagnation in theoretical physics and ways out of it. General Relativity Theory
    Застой в фундаментальной физике и пути выхода из него. Общая теория относительности
  71. From Newton’s bucket to The Theory of physical vacuum
    От ведра Ньютона до теории физического вакуума
  72. When Euler did not have Newton’s intuition, stagnation occurred in physics
    Когда Эйлеру не хватило интуиции Ньютона, в физике возникает застой
  73. The new fundamental physical theory and why theorists are forced to imitate it.
    Новая фундаментальная физическая теория и почему теоретики вынуждены заниматься её имитацией
  74. Tesla’s Ether, Einstein’s Vacuum Einstein and the Theory of Physical Vacuum
    Эфир Тесла, вакуум Эйнштейна и теория физического вакуума
  75. Contemporary science and politics
    Современная наука и политика
  76. Physical and mathematical foundations of the Theory of Physical Vacuum and Torsion Fields
    Физико-математические основы теории физического вакуума и торсионных полей
  77. Psychophysics and psychophysical technologies
    Психофизика и психофизические технологии
  78. Vacuum energy and torsion fields
    Вакуумная энергия и торсионные поля
  79. Vacuum mechanics and inertia fields
    Вакуумная механика и поля инерции
  80. Physical field that physics missed
    Физическое поле, которое физики прозевали
  81. Fields and inertial forces as a subject of scientific research
    Поля и силы инерции как предмет научного исследования
  82. Theoretical and experimental study on the space-time precession of 4D gyroscope and a new method of motion in the outer space
  84. 50 Years in Fundamental Theoretical Physics.
    О 50 летней работе в фундаментальной теоретической физике
  85. Об оценке моей научной работы российскими и зарубежными учеными (On the evaluation of my scientific works by Russian and foreign scientists)
  86. Механика Живых Систем (Биомеханика, Психомеханика и Механика Времени) используя Принципы Механики Декарта.
    Mechanics of Living Systems (Biomechanics, Psychomechanics and Mechanics of Time) Applying the Principles of Descartes Mechanics
  87. Ноосферный «Конец света» уже шагает по планете
    Noospheric “End of the World” is already striding the planet
  88. О соотношении философии, физики и математики в фундаментальной физике
    On the relationship of philosophy, physics and mathematics in fundamental physics
  89. Космологические следствия теории физического вакуума
    Cosmological consequences of the theory of physical vacuum
  90. О новом способе передвижения в космическом пространстве
    About a new way of movement in outer space
  91. О критериях фундаментальности физической теории
    On the criteria for the fundamental nature of physical theory
  92. Скалярное поле в электродинамике. Теория и эксперимент
    Scalar field in electrodynamics. Theory and experiment
  93. Новая научная парадигма и прорывные технологии
    New scientific paradigm and breakthrough technologies
  94. Как научный прогресс меняет наше мировоззрение
    How scientific progress reshapes our worldview
  95. Время: Материя, Энергия, Поле
    Time: Matter, Energy, Field

Review on Vacuum theory – “Return of Ether”– by I. Rogozhkin.


In English langauge

  1. The Physics of Vacuum. Part one
  2. The Physics of Vacuum. Part two
  3. The Physics of Vacuum. Part three
  4. The Physics of Vacuum. Part four
  5. General Relativity and Einstein’s Gravity. Part one
  6. General Relativity and Black Holes. Part two
  7. General Relativity and Gravitational Waves. Part three
  8. General Relativity and Universe. Part four

In Russian language

  1. Теория Физического Вакуума. Развитие Представлений о Физическом Вакууме. Theory of Physical Vacuum. The Development of Ideas about Physical Vacuum
  2. Инерция. Проблема Инерции и Торсионные Поля в Современной Физике. Inertia. The Problem of Inertia and Torsion Fields In Modern Physics
  3. Электродинамика Сильных Полей. Electrodynamics of Strong Forces
  4. Квантовая Механика в Tеории Физического Вакуума. Quantum Mechanics In Theory of Physical Vacuum


In English langauge

  1. The theory of physical vacuum. New paradigm
  2. The theory of physical vacuum for everybody. Introduction

In Russian language

  1. The theory of physical vacuum. Theory, experiments and technologies
  2. The Theory of Physical Vacuum Part I
  3. The Theory of Physical Vacuum Part II
  4. The Theory of Physical Vacuum Part III : Basic Theoretical Results
  5. The Theory of Physical Vacuum Part IV: Experimental Manifestations of Torsion Fields. Section 1
  6. The Theory of Physical Vacuum Part V: Experimental Manifestations of Torsion Fields. Section 2


In English langauge

  1. Reactionless motions: Propulsion system may be adapted for any medium (water, air, and space) | Universal Engine
  2. Frictionless motion: Propulsions system moves on glass/oil to show friction is unnecessary | Oil test
  3. Maneuver less: Propulsion system does not need a starter/brakes; can instantly change direction | Back & forth test
  4. Double impact: Two times cannot stop it | Double Impact
  5. Triple impact: Three times cannot stop it | Triple Impact
  6. Efficient: Propulsion system accelerates without additional power input | Efficiency
  7. Bigger model with 4D engine | Model
  8. Force generated by 4D engine | Force
  9. Experiment on Detection of a Scalar Electromagnetic Field | Energy


In Russian language

  1. Lesson I
  2. Lesson II
  3. Lesson III
  4. Lesson IV
  5. Lesson V
  6. Lesson VI
  7. Lesson VII
  8. Lesson VIII
  9. Lesson IX
  10. Lesson X
  11. Lesson XI


In English langauge

  1. Dynamics of an Oriented Point and Inertia
  2. A topological theory of physical vacuum, R.M.Kiehn, 2005
  3. A strong equivalence principle, R.M.Kiehn, 2005
  4. The warp drive: hyper-fast travel within the general relativity, Miguel Alcubierre, 1994, University of Wales, UK
  5. Fundamental limitations on “warp drive” spacetime, Francisco Lobo, 2004,Da Universidade de Lisba, Portugal
  6. Three most beautiful mathematical formulas, Natasha Kondratieva

In Russian language

  1. Dynamics of an oriented point and inertia, E. Gubarev
  2. Theoretical and experimental research of a jet motion without rejection of mass, G. Shipov, A. Sidorov
  3. The names vary – the essence is the same, N. Sokolov
  4. Vacuum model of strong interactions. New results, E. Gubarev, A. Sidorov
  5. Torsion Fields Detection, Shkatov
  6. On Nature of Matter